Our comforting menu of meatloaf and buttermilk mashed potatoes is as hearty as the diner original -- but better for you. Panko is sold in many international...
Some dishes are so adjustable, they're more a concept than a recipe. Exhibit A: this grilled-steak salad. The trick is to drizzle on a little vinaigrette...
Start simmering this robust fall stew in the morning, and its irresistible flavors will greet you at dinner time. Some slow cookers have a stovetop-safe...
Based on chimichurri, a staple of Argentinean steakhouses, this zesty sauce can be served with just about any cut of meat. It is also great drizzled over...
When brisket is braised, it becomes extraordinarily juicy and tender. For a springtime spin on the classic recipe, we used a dry white wine instead of...
Fold this Mexican-style mixture into corn tortillas for our Beef Tacos, or try it in our Classic Taco Salad, on top of sweet potatoes, or as a hearty addition...
This hearty dinner recipe combines beef with bell pepper, carrots, chickpeas, and Ethiopian berbere seasoning-a spice blend of up to twenty ingredients...
Swapping out some of the ground beef for chopped mushrooms is the secret behind the complex flavor of these meatballs. A quick blast in the broiler gives...
While it's unclear whether the origin of this Thai curry dish is Muslim, Indian, or Malaysian, one thing is for sure: it's absolutely delicious. Massaman...
After months of outdoor barbecuing, grilling moves indoors with this stove-top sandwich. It's piled high with thinly sliced flank steak, charred onions,...
Boneless beef short ribs are seared, and then simmered for hours until they are silky and tender. Brown sugar and apple cider, along with parsnips, carrots,...
This lighter version of fondue Bourguignonne pan-sears the meat as opposed to the traditional method of frying beef cubes in oil. You can substitute chicken...
Lean cuts of meat like strip steak are best cooked with a brief sear; they stay tender while taking on a crisp, smoky exterior. Here, you saute a few peppers...
Rounds of flank steak are packed with spinach and surrounded by other virtuous veggies. High-impact elements -- capers, vinegar, red-pepper flakes, and...
Turning a tough cut of meat into a hearty, succulent meal involves only a couple of hours of slow simmering. Many recipes call for a simple stock or red...
Coating rib-eye steaks with a mixture of Spanish smoked paprika, garlic powder, oregano, and coriander before grilling yields super-flavorful meat every...
Affordable chuck roast is a great choice for stews because it becomes tender and flavorful as it simmers. Cutting the meat into small pieces shortens the...
Transform lasagna with meat sauce from a guilty pleasure into a wholesome meal. Small swap-ins can make a mighty difference: Whole-wheat noodles, low-fat...
This herb-crusted standing rib roast is a welcome change from turkey over the December holidays. Don't skimp on the garlic, the heads have a milder flavor...
Brisket is often the star of a traditional Passover meal. This crowd-pleasing rendition is oven-braised low and slow with red wine and aromatics. Root...